We have entered a new year. Are you worried and nervous about what this new year will bring, or instead of being anxious are you resting in the Lord and trusting and praising Him? Will you trust the Lord only if all your prayers are answered the way you desire for them to be answered, or will you trust the Lord even if He allows huge trials in your life?
I read through the book of Psalms most every year as part of my daily devotions. I was recently reminded of the fact that the book of Psalms in chapter one begins with reminding us of the importance of loving God's Word and building our lives on God and His Word. In the Psalms following chapter one we find the Psalmists talking about every imaginable human experience from deep trials to immense joy. The psalmists also talk about God's promises and their hopes and desires.
Yet when we foundation our lives on faith in God and on His Word praise and thanks always results no matter what our experience may entail. While Psalm chapter one begins with instruction to build our lives on obedience to God, Psalm 150 ends with praise and thanks to God. All the experiences of life then, both good and "bad,"can ultimately end in praise. Confession ultimately can lead to the joy of forgiveness. Our cries of need and grief can lead us to a deeper reliance and resting on the Lord. Therefore both of these can ultimately lead to greater praise of Him.
I do not understand why God has allowed some of the things He has allowed in my life such as my first husband's devastating neurological disease and eventual death. I do not know why another family member is currently going though some very difficult trials of another nature which affects many other people as well. I must trust God, however, that He knew and knows what He is doing no matter how difficult life became and/ or becomes. Not only that, but I must praise Him in the process.
He has and never will forsake us. His ways are perfect even when we do not understand His ways. He is our shield, and we can take refuge in Him. We can trust in Him and not be afraid of what the future holds. Even in difficult times, he is our strength and song. Our lives can be a hymn of praise through it all.
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