Sunday, April 30, 2023

A God Thing


"Most of us still rate the events of our lives as either a 'good' thing or a 'bad' thing. but when we're finally able to merge all the events of our lives into the category of a God thing, then we will be where He wants us."  Such was a quote I recently discovered in a devotional called The Twenty-Third Psalm for Caregivers by Carmen Leal.

Some events in life are very difficult.  The illness of my first husband was very difficult.  The diffiuclties of caring for him and His subsequent death was very diffiuclt,.  My cancer diagnosis during that time was very difficult.  Watching my sister struggle for years with her cancer and then her death in February of this year was very difficult.  My chronic back and other issues are difficult at times.  Other unnamed issues which are going on in my life right now are also difficult at times.

Yet through all these things God has been with me step by step.  I have seen that over and over.  Even when I fret and worry, God is always there.  Very recently God has used people in my life to greatly step up and help in situations that seem overwhelming or even unresovable. This has also brought a closer relationship with these special people.  That is a God thing.  I have seen how life's trials have also been an avenue for me to help others as well.  That is a God thing.  Further, as weary as I get with life's trials, I have grown in my love for my Lord and dependence on Him through the trials.  I have also grown in my love of His Word.  That is a God thing.

What are the trials going on in your life right now?  What are the "bad" things?  How is God using even these things to become a "God" thing?

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Anniversary of My book


It was in April of 2014 that I published my book, Dear Caregiver Reflections for Family Caregivers. Writing and promoting the book nine years ago stirred up emotions about my own difficult days of seeing my first husband decline in his body and then losing him to death.  I also had some fears.  Satan would have liked me to feel like no one was going to read the book, but I also knew it was in God's hands.  I further felt a passion to help current caregivers.  That is the reason I originally started this blog, and that is the reason I wrote my book.

In spite of the emotions I was excited  about the new book.  This book and other events in those nine years since the publication of this book has helped other family caregivers including my current husband who read the book while taking care of his wife at that time.  For that I am very thankful to the Lord.

If you are a family caregiver or know someone who is a family caregiver consider reading this book.  It is available at the Amazon link below, but it also available at Barnes and Noble and elsewhere online.  It is further available from me directly at  Just contact me there for details.

Once again here is the Amazon link to the order page for my book:

Saturday, April 15, 2023

God's Plan A

I ran across a devotional a few years ago which reminded me of a truth which God has laid on my heart in the past several years.  Nancy Guthrie writes this in her book, The One Year Book of Hope, "God's plan for your life is unfolding, and nothing and nobody can hinder it---Whatever is happening in your life, you can welcome it as God's sovereign Plan A.  God carries out His own good purposes without mistakes or regrets, and His plan is never thwarted."

Nancy also says that Satan tries to scheme and destroy, and many things in this life are difficult and sometimes tragic.  God doesn't run behind Satan, however, frantically trying to clean up his messes.  God is not forced to go to Plan B.  Satan's schemes do not catch God off guard.

God, even in the tragedies and sad moments of life, always has a good plan for our lives.  He is always working for His glory and for our spiritual good.  It was God's Plan A that I was a caregiver for my first husband, Wayne.  It  was God's plan A that I became a widow.   God's plan A was in operation for my life in the years and events that have followed in both the times of joy and heartache.  What is transpiring in my life right now in both the trials and joys is still God's plan A for me even in moments when it does not feel that way. 

God's Plan A is always in place for you as well, dear reader.  This is true in all the events of your life.  He is rejoicing with you in your joys and is always there to comfort you in your sorrows.  In this post Easter period let us join the believers of old and today and sing "Hosanna to the King of Kings."

(P.S.  If your missed the Easter post of last week, you can read it by clicking on the following link:

Saturday, April 8, 2023



I love Easter best of all the holidays.  I love it for its deep spiritual significance.  Yet how does Easter relate to us?

Easter means that the Lord Jesus came to this earth and lived a perfect life for you and me.  He later died on the cross to pay the price for our sins, and then He arose again on the third day to prove that He had won over sin and death and Satan. If you and I have accepted his gift of salvation by repentance and faith, we are His child now and for eternity.

Easter also means that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, identifies with our pain and the pain of our loved ones. As we struggle in our own needs or to help our loved ones, Jesus Christ identifies with us. Having suffered the worst possible pain for us on the cross He is able to sympathize with our heartaches and weaknesses. He is also an all-powerful Savior to whom we can freely go for grace in our moments of sadness and overwhelming and crushing needs.  (Check out Hebrews 4:15-16 in the New Testament.)

Because of Easter and Christ's sacrifice, we can freely approach God the Father Himself with both our needs and our loved one's needs. We can cry out to Him for help and call Him our “Abba Father,” because He considers us His special children (Romans 8:15). Easter also means that when our hearts are so weighed down with the heartaches and overwhelming circumstances of life that we do not even know how to pray, the Holy Spirit will intercede and pray for us! (Romans 8:26)

Easter means that although we will always face trials and troubles in this world, the Lord Jesus Christ has overcome the world.  He is also our source of peace even in the most challenging of times (John 16:33).  Even in overwhelming circumstances and even when we do not understand God's ways in allowing certain things in our lives, God is working for our ultimate good. We are victors in Him! (Romans 8:28 & 37)

No matter what happens in our life situations we will slowly heal emotionally and spiritually. God will always be with us, and joy will return one day. His love for us will never fail. He proved that love for us on the cross. That is the meaning of Easter for all of us.

Finally, Easter means that there are those whom we have loved in the past who are now celebrating with their Lord in Eternity this Easter.  I personally think of my grandparents, parents, my first husband, Wayne, and also very recently my dear sister, Nancy.  I love to think of them now free from all pain and trials rejoicing and singing before the Lord's throne.  They have the joy of being in the Lord's precious presence.  They were saved by His grace and their life's race is now completed.  

This Easter let's rejoice with both those who have gone on ahead of us and with those of us who still walk this life's path,  One day because of Easter we too with joy shall behold our Lord face to face.  Furthermore, on the glorious final ressurection day when Jesus returns, we will have new glorified bodies.  Praise the name of the Lord for his salvation and grace to us!

Saturday, April 1, 2023

The Names for God

I have found much encouragement in the names for God and in their rich meanings.  There are many names for God in the Bible, because God has so many wonderful characterisitics.  

The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew, and the New Testament was written in Greek. ELOHIM in Hebrew means the all powerful, all mighty, creator God. YAHWEH is the personal name for God. YAHWEH ELOHIM is your God, dear child of God! The all powerful God of the universe cares about you, and He is with you in the difficulties and challenges be it care-giving for a loved one, a difficult marriage, a financial sitatution, or a host of other trials!

He is also YAHWEH-jireh, which means the Lord will provide. He will provide for you, dear child of God, in all the uncertainties and stresses of life. You do not know the future, but He already has the future under His sovereign control. I remember as a caregiver for my fist husband, Wayne, and in other diffiuclt life situations often succumbing to fear and worry. It was difficult to see my first husband’s health deteriorating before my eyes. As I look back, however, I know he was with me each step of the way.  It is easy to sucumb to fear in present difficulties as well. Yet the Lord is with me now as well.

I read somewhere that worrying is trying to carry tomorrow’s load with today’s strength. It is trying to carry two days at once. Worrying will not empty tomorrow of it’s heartaches and challenges. Instead it empties today of it’s strength. The truth of the matter is that we have no strength in ourselves at all, but we have unlimited strength in God.  He is in control. He will provide strength as we need it. Trust in YAHWEH-yireh which means the Lord will provide. He is also your YAHWEH-nissi which means the Lord is my banner or miracle. Trust in Him to provide, dear child of God.

Dear child of God, the Lord is also YAHWEH-sabaoth which means the Lord of Hosts or the Lord Almighty or the Sovereign Lord. He is Lord over everything. We can not box God in and tell Him what to do. If we submit to Him, however, He who is all powerful and Lord over everything will go before us. He will pave the way for you on every difficult path of life.  This is easy to say, but also so easy to forget in the stresses and challenges of life.  I know it is for me.

When you recognize that you can’t do life on your own, He-the Lord Almighty-is with you, dear child of God. Trust that He is in control. Rest it with the Lord God, for He also alone is YAHWEH-shalom which means the Lord of peace.