Saturday, July 13, 2024

Five Years

Five years ago on Saturday, July 13th my husband, Bob, and I were married.  It was a joyous ocasion for the two of us.  We had both lost our first spouses to death, and now had found each other.  Forgive me, as I once again use this format to remember and ask for personal prayer requests.  

We were able to go on a mini vacation or two since the time of our wedding five years ago.  We visited Door County in northern Wisconsin on our honeymoon and then again in the fall of 2020.

One memorable vacation was to Mackinac Island.

Another memorable weekend trip was to Lacrosse, WI where we met up with my siblings.  My sister, Nancy, was fighting cancer at that time, and we all wanted to be together.   Sadly for us, my sister is no longer with us.  For her it is wonderful, as she is with Jesus.

However, the last couple years or so have been difficult, as we have seen Bob decline.  He was able to be home at first with some outside help.  Then he was in assisted living for about five months.  Now as I have written before, he is in a skilled nursing facility.  Continued prayers are appreciated for Bob, his daughters, and for me.

Below is a picture of Bob at the skilled care home taken a few days ago.  He was fairly alert that day.  Today when I visited him, he was more sleepy and not as coherent.

My life verse the last number of years has been, "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5)  Pray that I can continue to cling to that verse.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Sharing Heartaches

Last week when I went to church I was feeling sad about some of the events that were occurring in my life.  There had been some new declines in my husband's health, and he had been admitted into a skilled living facility a few days before.  I was struck by something else that Sunday morning, however.   I was struck by the fact that many others around me were also suffering heartaches. 

That morning I spoke with a man who had just lost his wife to death a few weeks before.  I noticed a couple in a pew near me who were experiencing cancer issues in the wife and were awaiting test results for the husband.  I chatted briefly with another woman whose husband is at the same facility as my husband and going through rehab after surgery.  It is easy to think one is alone, as one faces heartaches or trials.  It is easy to think that everyone around us are problem free, and we are the only ones facing challenges.

Yet the truth is that everyone is facing challenges of one degree or another.  Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble."  He then goes on to say, however, "But take heart!  I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)  The Lord is with us each step of the way, and as Christians we can support each other by prayer and kind words of encouragement.  We can be there for that person who feels they are emotionally drowning in the life challenges they are facing.     

Recently I posted a video on Facebook that portrayed the heartaches many people around us may be experiencing.  I posted the link to that again below.  Perhaps if we knew what others were experiencing we would be more loving in our approach to them.  We would also pray for them more consistently.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Processing and Need for Prayer

Philippians four is a beautiful chapter in the Bible.  We have discussed this chapter in the last couple posts.  Philippians chapter four and all of the book of Philippians speak of joy and contentment  based on our relationship with the Lord irregardless of outside circumstances. Believers have come to love this book because of the comfort it brings. 

Yet sometimes when life and its trials hit with what feels like extra vehemence, we have to dig deeper into God's Word, and we have to cling tighter to it's promises. Sometimes we have to just trust the Lord and rest in Him when there is not always an answer to all our "why?" questions.   Sometimes we need to also ask our fellow Christians to pray for us.

As I have told you before; my husband, Bob, moved to an assisted living facility in in early January.  He had to make another transition recently in June.  He is now living in a skilled nursing facility.  This has been particularly difficult especially since July 13 is our fifth wedding anniversary, and I keep seeing memories on Facebook of our upcoming wedding five years ago.  We were so happy and had such big dreams five years ago, since we both had lost our first spouses and had now found each other.  I don't fully understand God's plan in these new developments in our lives, but I do know who holds our future, and I do know who holds our hands.  I don't normally like to use my blog for  personal prayer requests, but I do ask today that you will pray for Bob and I and other family members.  Will you also pray for me, as I face cataract surgery in July, and my vision is becoming more compromised in the meantime?



Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Joy Chapter, Philippians 4


(Last week we talked about a verse from Philippians 4.  It is such a beautiful chapter in the Bible that I am going to take the liberty to publish another post about that wonderful chapter of the Bible.)

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4:6-7

We often think of Philippians chapter four as a chapter on joy.  In this chapter we also learn how we can have peace, a sense of security in Christ, and how we can "stand firm in the Lord" (Philippians 4:1b).  We are commanded in Philippians 4:4 to "Rejoice in the Lord always."  This verse is not only telling us we are able to have joy in Christ, but that we must rejoice in the Lord.  We are not to rejoice only on the days when everything is going smoothly, but we must also rejoice on the days which are difficult and full of trouble and challenges. True joy in the Lord does not depend on our circumstances but comes from the Lord.  Paul wrote the book of Philippians in prison.  He rejoiced in the Lord in spite of his trials and unpleasant circumstances.  He had joy because of His relationship with the Lord.  That must be our source of joy also.

Joy is first found in right praying.  Joy and peace are not found in counterproductive worry.  Worry accomplishes nothing except for depressing our spirit and in some cases causing physical ailments in our bodies.  When we begin to worry we need to immediately cast our worries and anxieties on the Lord in prayer.  We need to commit all our concerns to the Lord, and then leave them with the Lord.

It is so easy to pray to the Lord, and then walk away from prayer still worrying.  God commands us not to do that, but instead we are to leave all our worries in His hands.  Worry and trust do not go together.  When we bring our worries to the Lord we must also approach Him with a thankful heart.  We must not forget to thank Him for all His past and present blessings.  If we do that Philippians 4:7 says that "the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Joy and peace come from right praying, and they also come from right thinking.  In verse eight of chapter four of Philippians we are told to think of things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.  Joy and peace further comes from right practice.  Philippians 4:9 says, "Whatever you have learned or received---put it into practice.  And the God or peace will be with you."  Obedience to God's Word always produces joy and peace.

Joy and peace come from right praying, right thinking, right acting, and finally from contentment in all circumstances.  We need to be content whatever our circumstances, and we need to be content wherever God has placed us in this life.  Paul was in in prison when he wrote the book of Philippians.  In spite of this fact, Paul wrote in Philippians 4:11b, "I have learned to be content  whatever the circumstances."  Can we say the same?

Surrendering to God's will and resting in Him is the only way to true joy and and peace.  We might think that this is easier said than done.  The truth is we can do nothing in ourselves.  Paul says in Philippians 4:13, however, "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."  The Lord gives us the strength to rest all our worries in Him.  He gives us the strength to face all of life's problems.  Finally, the Lord promises to be with us and meet our needs.  Philippians 4:19 says, "And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus."  He has promised to meet all and not just some of our needs.  He has promised to meet all our needs out of His glorious and limitless riches.  What joy!  What peace!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Think About What is Lovely


I don't know about you, dear reader, but I find it so easy to slip into negative thoughts especially in the middle of an occasional sleepless night.   Philippians chapter four of the Bible tells us, however, to not be anxious about anything but in prayer with a thankful heart make our requests and concerns known to the Lord.  We are promised that if we do that, the Lord's overwhelming peace will be with us (verses six and seven).  It is so easy to get sidetracked by difficult circumstances instead of resting them with the Lord.  Yet these verses remind us that we need to bring our anxieties to the Lord and leave them there.  

The Lord also instructs us in Philippians chapter four verses eight and nine to think about things that are true, pure, commendable, and lovely.  If we do this we are promised His peace.  Recently I became bogged down by some unjust and unkind comments made to me by someone else, followed by some unkind actions a few days later.  My mind went over and over those words which had been carelessly spoken to me, as my mind can also go over and over an anxiety in my life and heart.  Yet the Lord tells us to leave that with the Lord.  God  tells us to instead think about what is true and pure and lovely, to think about His overflowing and unfailing love for us.

Bringing our anxieties to the Lord with a thankful heart. trusting Him to meet our every need, and corralling our thoughts to think thoughts which are lovely and beautiful is the secret to God's peace which we can find no place else.  Rest in Him, dear Reader.  He is worthy of our trust!

(If you missed my post last week of God being good and accomplishing good even in our trials you can click on this link:   )

Saturday, May 25, 2024

In All Things

We often fail in being thankful for the wonderful blessings God gives us each day.  We tend to concentrate on the difficult moments and fail to see all the delightful moments and gifts He gives us each day.  Yet perhaps we need to take this a step further.  Perhaps we also need to thank the Lord for the difficult trials we encounter in our lives as well as the pleasant moments.  The Lord has been convicting me in the last months and years of the need to do that very thing.  

Romans 8:28 NIV says this, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him"  I know that if you are like me, you may have struggles with that verse from time to time.  What was good about my first husband, Wayne, suffering from a horrid disease which made him become more and more physically disabled and then finally die from it?  What was good about my younger sister dieing from cancer after a long struggle?  What is good about my present husband now having to live in an assisted living facility?

The reason we struggle with this verse is because our definition of the word, "good" is different than the Lord's definition of "good."  We think of "good" things as circumstances which are comfortable, pleasant, easy, and enjoyable.  God's definition of "good" is that which makes us more conformed to the image of the Son, that which makes us more like Jesus, and that which accomplishes the will of God.  Sometimes this can only happen through trials and challenging times.  When we feel the most weak we depend on the Lord the most, and then often His strength is shown in us for our good and to help others.  

Having said that, know that the Lord feels sorrow with us in our moments of grief and trouble.  He is always there to comfort us and help.  Someday He will also return on the clouds of glory; and we will be eternally with Him, free of all  heartaches, tears, and pain.  As the song says, "What a day that will be when My Jesus I shall see!"

(I recently posted a reel which talks about what we just discussed.  It is powerful.  If you missed it when I posted it, you can view it at the link below.)


Friday, May 24, 2024

Choosing Gratitude


Some years ago I read a book by Nancy Leigh De Moss called Choosing Gratitude.  In one chapter she lists eight reasons for a grateful heart in spite of circumstances.  One reason is that gratitude is a matter of obedience.  It is commanded by God throughout His Word especially in the Psalms and New Testament Epistles.  Gratitude also draws us closer to God.  When we long for a greater sense of God's nearness or life's stresses pile up like they can, gratitude to the Lord is the gateway to His presence.

Gratitude is further the only sure path to peace.  Life difficulties can become overwhelming. Prayer is a good avenue of release, but it must be accompanied with gratitude (Philippians 4:6-7.) When gratitude combines with prayer and we open our eyes to God's blessings and mercies even in the midst of heartaches, peace follows. When we thank God even when we can't understand what He is doing in our lives, there is peace.

Gratitude is also a gauge to our heart.  It is often easy to be thankful for the obvious blessings.  It is less easy to be thankful for the more difficult and hard to understand blessings.  If one is thankful in all things, it shows a heart which believes that God is always faithful and good and can be trusted. Giving thanks in all things is not acquired in a moment.  It is the result of many choices to be thankful even in difficult moments.

Gratitude is the will of God.  Choosing it is more important than choices we make about any other of life's decisions.  All other life decisions pale in comparison to choosing gratitude.  Gratitude is proof of being filled with the Holy Spirit.  It is evidence that we are yielding to His control. Gratitude further reflects Jesus' heart.  Even the night before Jesus was put on the cross He showed gratitude to the Heavenly Father in His prayers at the Last Supper.  He gratefully and willingly submitted to the Father's will in spite of the horrors of the cross just before Him.

Finally, gratitude prepares us for heaven. Think of all the saints in heaven praising God before His throne.  My first husband, my sister, and other saints who have gone ahead of me to heaven are no longer suffering from disease or heartaches of any kind, but they are praising God before His throne right now!  I too can join in that praise by thanking and praising the Lord now.  Life is difficult at times.  I often find gratitude a difficult choice to make.  Yet in the measure that we walk with gratitude, peace will follow.  Resolve with me to to strive to walk that path.