Friday, September 6, 2024

Google or God?


I follow a page on Facebook called "Walking Through Fire."  The page is managed and authored by Vaneetha Randal Risner.  Recently she posted something that really convicted me in my spirit.  She asked the question about where do we run when we are troubled by life's burdens.  Do we run to Google, or do do we run to God for peace?  Do we trust that God already has the plan and the situation in his control, or do we think we have to control and manage the situation?  

The truth of the matter is that more information that I might find on Google is not going to give me more peace about the difficult situations I am encountering in my life.  Resting in the Lord and trusting in Him is the only thing that can do that.  Seeking the Lord's presence is the only thing that can accomplish that goal.  Matthew 6:34 tells us that each day has enough trouble of its own, so why worry about tomorrow.  I think  we tend to think that if we have enough information we have some kind of control over the future.  Only the Lord has that kind of control, and He promises to be with us and guide us each step of the way.  Let's just rest in Him. 

Friday, August 30, 2024

Seeing Miracles or Messes?

It so easy to get bogged down with the messes of life that we no longer clearly see God's presence and His miracles.  Sometimes the struggles of life can wear us down physically, emotionally, and even spiritually.  In times like these we need to stay focused on the blessings, the daily miracles that are in our lives. We need to remember all the times the Lord has been with us in the past, and we need to trust that He will be with us in the days ahead.  We need to fix our eyes on the Lord and trust His promises to always be with us.

Lysa TerKeurst in her book entitled, Embraced 100 Devotions to Know God is Holding You Close wrote the following,, "I get so focused on the mess, I miss the miracles."  Later in that same devotional she prays this prayer to the Lord, "Please don't let the messes of life harden my heart and blind me to Your presence.  Instead of being so terrified in the midst of the mess, might I keep the picture of You, watching me, always watching me.  And might I find courage in the assurance that You will come to me with Your miraculous presence."

So may we also focus on the miraculous presence of the Lord in our lives; as we face life's trials, troubles, and messes.  May we exchange our negative emotions for "a crown of beauty," with "the oil of gladness," and a "garment of praise" (Isaiah 61:2-3).  Life is sometimes difficult, but focusing on the blessings and the wonderful presence of the Lord is the key to peace in the midst of it. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

August Birthday Blessings


August is traditionally the last month of summer.  It is also the month that I was born.  On August 24th seven seven years ago I came into the world around noon on a Sunday.  I had a lovely birthday this year with many Facebook greetings, texts, lovely "smail" cards, phone calls, and a special family party in the evening.

Ecclesiastes 2:3 says that there is a time to be born and a time to die.  We need to think of life as a terminal illness, and we need to realize how short it really is.  Life also has many sorrows and obstacles  I have seen that first hand with my first husband's death at age 65, and I am reminded of that again with my second husband now being on Hospice in a skilled nursing facility.  I see that also with my own bodily aches and pains.

For the child of God death and even pain is a blessing.  It is not natural.  It came, because sin entered the world.  Yet for the child of God pain can be a pathway to maturing in the faith and a more intimate relationship with the Lord.  Death is a just a pathway to heaven and the Lord's presence  Paul says in Philippians 1:21, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."  

I believe we also need to live life with a thankful heart and live it with purpose and joy.  The older I get the more I realize that can really only be found in a relationship with the Lord.  We can enjoy temporal blessings, but they really only have meaning in the context of a relationship with the Lord and in the context of eternity.  


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Lord is Your Keeper

Psalm 121 is found in the Old Testament of the Bible.  It is a wonderful Psalm filled with promises of God's watchful care and keeping of us in all life's circumstances.  It is for you, dear child of God, no matter what trials, challenges or circumstances you are facing right now.

I would suggest reading Psalm 121 in a couple different translations.  Let it soak into your spirit.  Let it calm and assure you, as you pilgrim through this life. Then allow me to take great liberty in paraphrasing this wonderful Psalm below:

I  lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth, the one true God, the King of all creation.  He will not let your foot slip off His chosen path, no matter how difficult the circumstances you are now facing may be.   He guards your footsteps, and has the power and desire to help you. 

He who watches over you and keeps His people will neither slumber nor sleep.  The Lord watches over you and keeps you-the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day nor the moon by night.  He protects day and night.  There is total keeping of you at all times, in all places and in all things even when you sometimes do not always understand His ways.

The Lord will keep you from all harm.  You are always secure.  He will watch over and keep your life, and He preserves your soul.  The Lord will watch over you and keep you in His care in your coming and going both now and forevermore.

Friday, August 9, 2024

God Will See You Through

As most of you know, I was a caregiver for my first husband, Wayne.  I cared for him for four and a half years in our home after his diagnosis.  He had a serious neurological disease which made him more and more physically disabled.  As many of you also know, my second husband, Bob, also has a neurological disease.  His disease is different, however, in that it necessitates him being in a nursing home.  I was also younger at the time I was a caregiver for my first husband, so I used that method of caring for my husband at that time.

Recently I ran across a chapter from my book that I published in 2014 and wrote after my first husband's death.  I can identify with many of the emotions and sentiments that I felt at the time.  Perhaps, if you are a caregiver or not you can do likewise.  Below is that chapter from ny book,  Dear Caregiver Reflections for Family Caregivers. 

"Dear caregiver, do you weary of the constant changes in your loved one’s health? If one’s loved ones faces a disease from which there is a possible cure, one continues to hope for their recovery. It is difficult going through those days, but there is hope for better days ahead. When one’s loved one’s disease is incurable and the declines are persistent, one enters an even more difficult sphere. As a caregiver, I so remember dreading and sometimes fearing the next decline in my husband‘s health.Would I be able to handle his next decline physically and emotionally? 

In the book of Joshua in the Old Testament, God's Old Testament people (the Israelites) were about to enter the land that God had promised them many years before. To be able to enter this new land, however, a huge body or people needed to cross the Jordan River. It would take a miracle for God's people to safely cross the Jordan River, but our Lord God specializes in the impossible.

The officers of God's people told them that when they saw the ark of the covenant of the Lord their God and the Levites who were carrying the ark, they were to move out from their positions and follow the ark. Then they would know which way to go, since they had never been this way before (Joshua 3:b-4a).  The ark was a symbol of the Lord's presence among them. Only if God's people did this would they know which way to go and what to do next, for this was new and foreign territory to them.

As a caregiver, I too had never been that way before. I had never encountered a similar situation or been in the same place in my life. It was a scary place to be. So I also had to keep my eyes focused on the Lord, and I had to follow His leading. Each new day is a new day given to us by the hand of the Lord. When we awaken in the morning, we do not know what new experiences or circumstances we may face that day. This is especially true for family caregivers. 

Every day and moment of our lives is known and planned by the Lord, however. He knows and understands the joys and heartaches caregivers face today and in all the tomorrows which may lie ahead. Caregivers must trust that the Lord will safely lead them each and every day, as they keep their eyes focused on Him and follow Him. Before they crossed the Jordan River their leader, Joshua, told God’s Old Testament people to consecrate themselves; for the next day the Lord was going to do amazing things among them (Joshua 3:5). The Lord will do amazing things in our lives also, if we trust and follow Him.

In Joshua 3 the waters did not divide while God's people were still in camp or even as they were marching towards the Jordan River. Only when the leaders and people stepped out into the water in faith were God's people able to safely cross the Jordan River! (Joshua 3:15b-16a)  Dear Caregiver, you may sometimes feel hopeless and even desperate in your care-giving experience. At times like these, commit your needs and desperate situations to the Lord. Like God’s Old Testament people, step out in faith. Trust that the Lord will see you through the seemingly impossible Jordan Rivers of your life. The Lord has our lives in His control, and we can trust and follow His leading!"

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Spiritual Vision

I am in the midst of surgeries to remove cataracts from my eyes.  I have one eye completed, and the other eye is scheduled for cataract surgery in a few days.  When I think about all of this, there are many spiritual lessons to be learned.  

There was blind man in the eighth chapter of the book of Mark in the New Testament of the Bible.  The first time Jesus laid his hands on the man's eyes, they were not completely healed.  The man could see, but he did not see clearly.  When Jesus laid His hands on the man a second time, the man "was restored, and he saw everything clearly." (verse 25)

When I had one cataract removed from my left eye and a new artificial lens inserted a few days ago, colors were brighter, and this was a first step to clearer vision.  However, I still have one more eye to go, some eye healing which must still occur, and glasses to be fitted in a few weeks for reading and other possible tweaks for my eyesight to be the best it can be.

So also my spiritual eyesight is in a state of fluctuation.  Sometimes when trials come or I don't always understand the Lord's workings, my spiritual vision may feel fuzzy.  That is when I need to focus on the Lord and trust Him.  I Corinthians 13:12 of the New Testament of the Bible says this of spiritual eyesight, "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.  Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."

I don't always enjoy dealing with the eye drops and eye healing and fluctuations or do I deal with them with complete patience.  So I also need to patiently wait on the Lord and trust Him, as I walk through all of life's challenges.  I will not always see the reason for everything that happens in my life and in the world around me with clear spiritual vision, but one day when I see Jesus face to face; I will have perfectly clear spiritual vision.  I will also know and understand more completely.  In the meantime, I can rest in the fact that the Lord already knows me fully, and He knows me better than I know myself.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Five Years

Five years ago on Saturday, July 13th my husband, Bob, and I were married.  It was a joyous ocasion for the two of us.  We had both lost our first spouses to death, and now had found each other.  Forgive me, as I once again use this format to remember and ask for personal prayer requests.  

We were able to go on a mini vacation or two since the time of our wedding five years ago.  We visited Door County in northern Wisconsin on our honeymoon and then again in the fall of 2020.

One memorable vacation was to Mackinac Island.

Another memorable weekend trip was to Lacrosse, WI where we met up with my siblings.  My sister, Nancy, was fighting cancer at that time, and we all wanted to be together.   Sadly for us, my sister is no longer with us.  For her it is wonderful, as she is with Jesus.

However, the last couple years or so have been difficult, as we have seen Bob decline.  He was able to be home at first with some outside help.  Then he was in assisted living for about five months.  Now as I have written before, he is in a skilled nursing facility.  Continued prayers are appreciated for Bob, his daughters, and for me.

Below is a picture of Bob at the skilled care home taken a few days ago.  He was fairly alert that day.  Today when I visited him, he was more sleepy and not as coherent.

My life verse the last number of years has been, "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5)  Pray that I can continue to cling to that verse.