Friday, August 19, 2022

Blessings of August Past

Wednesday on August 24th it will be my birthday.  I am thankful for my Lord being with me and being faithful to me these 75 years in the valleys, mountaintop experiences, and in the in between times in my life.

I am reminded of another thing which happened eight years ago in August.  On that day my local newspaper published a story about my years as a caregiver for my first husband, Wayne.  That article talked about the struggles I experienced as a caregiver, but it also talked about how my faith helped me through that time in my life.  Finally, the newspaper article talked about my book to encourage family caregivers.  Here is the link to that newspaper article that was published eight years ago:

I probably posted a link to that newspaper story eight years ago when it was just published, but I thought it was worth giving you the link to it again.  It gives a good rendering of my story (or rather the Lord's story) and portrays my passion to encourage family caregivers.

If you have not ordered my book, Dear Caregiver Reflections for Family Caregivers, yet, you might want to consider ordering it for yourself or for someone you love.  It contains over 100 short chapters or meditations to encourage family caregivers.  My story is intertwined in the chapters as well.  Here is the link to the Amazon order page for my book:

It is also available elsewhere online as well.  Finally, you can get it directly from me by e-mailing me at for specifics.

I know the challenges of family care-giving, dear caregiver, and I care about you.  Thank you for all that you do for your loved one!

Saturday, August 13, 2022

He Identifies With Us

Jesus wept.  His friend, Lazarus, had died, and the shortest verse of the Bible says, "Jesus wept."  (John 11:35). Jesus knew that He was going to raise Lazarus from the dead.  Why then did He weep?  It may have been partly, because of the unbelief of the people.  I think it was also because Jesus was identifying with the grief of Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus.  He felt and cared about their hurt.  He was perhaps also distressed that we experience things like sin, sickness, and death in this world.

Dane Ortlund says in his book, Gentle and Lowly, that the Lord Jesus is our intercessor and advocate.  He shares with us in our actual experiences, be they grief or joy.  He actually feels what we feels.  He weeps with us when we weep. He is also right beside us.  For those of us who are His children there is a solidarity between Him and us.  He defends our cause before the Father, be it sin or distress.  He can do this based on His own suffering and death.

When we understand all this, why do we still feel the need to self-advocate?  Why worry or fret?  Why not just run to the Lord with our heartaches?  We can always trust that He is with us and will never forsake us no matter how deep the trial.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Serving Where God Plants Us

Recently, God reminded me in my devotions of the need to be willing to serve where God plants or sends me.  This willingness can only come when I see my own unworthiness and sin and from seeing how much Christ went through on the cross to forgive me. It also comes from a humble heart and thankful heart and from seeing God's glory.  Where God places me may not always be to my liking and may involve sacrifice and even heartache at times.  It may mean working through my fears about what God has assigned me and trusting Him once again.  

The same is true for you, dear reader, be you a family caregiver or be you ill yourself with a serious illness.  It is also true if God is calling you to another difficult assignment.   Calling from God does not always mean being a pastor or missionary.  It may mean being His faithful servant in the day to day of life's pathways and trials which sometimes involves heartache and sacrifices but also joy in the Lord.

God has been with me in the past in what He has asked me to do and in where He has placed me in life.  He has done the same for you, dear Reader.  He will be with us in our future assignments and trials as well.   In July seven years ago, I had an interview about my caregiving years with Wayne, my first husband, and then my loss of him to death.  The following October an article appeared in Guideposts concerning that.  This is the link to the article: