Sunday, December 29, 2019

God's Story For Us

Christmas 2019 is past.  For some people perhaps there is a remaining family gathering or two; but for most of us the presents have been unwrapped, the Christmas programs are over, and the candy and cookie bowls are beginning to diminish.   For some people it was a very difficult Christmas, as it was the first year without a loved one.  For others it may have  been a difficult year, because their loved one is declining in health.  For others it may have been a year rich with unexpected blessings.

I have always enjoyed Christmas, yet for many years there was an element of sadness with it as well.  My first husband, Wayne, passed away about a week after Christmas in early 2011 on the day after his 65th birthday.  Even before that day my life story involved years of struggle in caring for him and watching him decline.  It was during that time frame that I also fought breast cancer.  Yet God has used my story of my years of struggle to help others.  God used those years to draw me closer to Him and to love Him on a deeper and more intimate level.

Ephesians 3:20 in the Bible speaks of God doing "immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine."  He has done that for me this past year, as well.  God used my story and words in the form of my book, Dear Caregiver Reflections for Family Caregivers to help my current husband, Bob, in his care of his then wife, Gloria.  How we later met as fellow volunteers at a program meant to help caregivers and their loved ones and then how we started dating is a story that truly has God's fingerprints all over it.  This past summer we married-both being in our 70s.  

Life has it's griefs and joys. Bob and I will always miss our first mates.  Yet our hearts are joyful in our new unexpected relationship.  This is God's story for us.  It is and was a good story through both the sad and joyful moments.  No matter where you are in your story, dear reader, it is a good story if you are in a deep relationship with the Lord.  It is a good story, because it is the Lord's story for you.

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