Friday, May 17, 2024

Lessons Learned in Spring


Spring is a time of transistion.  It is a time when we tend to switch back and forth between warm sunny days and rainy colder days.  In 2010 we apparently were blessed with a particularly beautiful spring, however.  In late May of 2010, while still a caregiver for my first husband, Wayne, I wrote the following words:

I always thought that I liked autumn the best of all the four seasons. This year, however, I am really enjoying spring. Our neighbors to the right of us have three fruit trees in their yard that have beautiful pink blossoms on them. We have a smaller fruit tree on our yard. People across the street also have a fruit tree with beautiful white blossoms on it. There is beauty all around me this spring. I am amazed at the beauty in God's creation." 

This year in 2024 I have been enjoying the tulips, as they have been exceptionally beautiful.  I look forward to the other spring flowers soon to bloom and to the roses which usually are abundant on our rose bush sometime in June.

Spring is also a time for dandelions, however. They are that pesky "flower" that likes to take over people's lawns. They are especially unattractive when they go to seed.  I think that is a perfect analogy for our lives.   Why is it that it is so much easier to concentrate on the dandelions instead of the awesomely beautiful spring flowers and trees?

Likewise, it is so easy to concentrate on the sorrows, difficulties, and frustrations of life. We sometimes forget to concentrate on the blessings and beauties all around us. Most mornings as part of my devotions I try to write down blessings for which I am thankful. That helps, but it is still easy to slip into the negative emotions, as one works one's way through the day.

"Lord, comfort me in my times of sorrow and frustration. Give me the perseverance of the dandelion which continues to flourish in spite of being mowed down and hated. Finally open my eyes to Your blessings, Lord; and make me truly thankful."

Life can be extremely challenging and discouraging. In spite of this, dear reader, try to look for the blessings in the midst of the sometimes chaos of life.  God often gives us the blessings of character building, growth in the faith, and the gift of His presence in a special way through the avenue of the challenges and trials of life. 

When my grandchildren were younger they would sometimes come to my house with fresh bouquets of dandelions. They did this because of their love for me. The dandelions which often are considered a weed and a nuisance by many, then became a blessing to me. In a similar way, the Lord can use the discouraging aspects of life to show His love to you, dear reader. Trust Him to use the difficult things in your life for ultimate good even when that is very difficult for you to see at times. 

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