Saturday, May 25, 2024

In All Things

We often fail in being thankful for the wonderful blessings God gives us each day.  We tend to concentrate on the difficult moments and fail to see all the delightful moments and gifts He gives us each day.  Yet perhaps we need to take this a step further.  Perhaps we also need to thank the Lord for the difficult trials we encounter in our lives as well as the pleasant moments.  The Lord has been convicting me in the last months and years of the need to do that very thing.  

Romans 8:28 NIV says this, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him"  I know that if you are like me, you may have struggles with that verse from time to time.  What was good about my first husband, Wayne, suffering from a horrid disease which made him become more and more physically disabled and then finally die from it?  What was good about my younger sister dieing from cancer after a long struggle?  What is good about my present husband now having to live in an assisted living facility?

The reason we struggle with this verse is because our definition of the word, "good" is different than the Lord's definition of "good."  We think of "good" things as circumstances which are comfortable, pleasant, easy, and enjoyable.  God's definition of "good" is that which makes us more conformed to the image of the Son, that which makes us more like Jesus, and that which accomplishes the will of God.  Sometimes this can only happen through trials and challenging times.  When we feel the most weak we depend on the Lord the most, and then often His strength is shown in us for our good and to help others.  

Having said that, know that the Lord feels sorrow with us in our moments of grief and trouble.  He is always there to comfort us and help.  Someday He will also return on the clouds of glory; and we will be eternally with Him, free of all  heartaches, tears, and pain.  As the song says, "What a day that will be when My Jesus I shall see!"

(I recently posted a reel which talks about what we just discussed.  It is powerful.  If you missed it when I posted it, you can view it at the link below.)


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