Friday, May 10, 2024

Joyful Moments

Sometimes we get so weighed down by the difficult moments that we fail to keep our focus on the Lord and the glory that awaits us some day in Eternity.  The Lord at times also gives us moments of joy or an oasis of joy even here in our life on earth. For me many of these moments revolve around family and watching my grandchildren grow and mature especially spiritually.

I remember Christmases of years past when some years we as family were able to get together in spite of being miles apart.  I remember the joy of for a few years being able to tutor some of my grandchildren who were being home schooled at the time.  I remember being able to attend my granddaughter's high school graduation.  She lived 500 miles away, and for a little while it appeared that my ride to that graduation had fallen through.  I remember the honor of being asked by another granddaughter to critique her portfolio's for a college course that she was taking.  I remember seven years ago having my grandson from London who was only a few months old at the time in my home along with his mother for about six weeks. 

Almost five years ago all my grandchildren were present at my wedding to Bob, although they have grown and matured so much even since that day.  Then a few years ago they were together again minus my London grandchildren.  Here is a picture of them that weekend: 

There are many other memories that I could include, but I will conclude with two more pictures that are more recent.  One is of my grandson who made profession of faith in his church on April 28th.  The second on is of a granddaughter graduating from college on May 4th.

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