Friday, January 31, 2025

Jesus, the Greater Adam


I don't know about you, but I sometimes weary of how the world is right now with the many heartaches and trials.  God created the physical world with beauty and perfection.  He also created the first people, Adam and Eve, sinless, perfect, and good.  God did create them with free will, however, and they chose to sin and disobey God.  They were in a perfect and beautiful environment in the Garden of Eden where God placed them.  Yet they failed to obey God in the one act of obedience that God asked of then.  They succumbed to the devil's temptation.  Thus sin with its consequences entered the world.

Yet praise God that there is still hope, peace, and joy for the child of God.  The first Adam failed, but Jesus, who is sometimes called the second Adam, and is our Great High Priest came to this earth to again give us hope.  He left a perfect place in heaven with the Father and came to this very flawed world.

Jesus lived a perfectly sinless life for us  in spite of the devil tempting Him in the very hostile and imperfect environment of the wilderness.  Then Jesus died the awful death of death on the cross.  He did this to pay the punishment for our sins.  Finally, He rose again from death to win victory over death.  Hence, we will one day be with Him forever free from all heartache, tears, and trials.  We will be living  in perfect peace and joy with the Lord forever.  Hence, those who are children of God and seeking to obey Him are filled with His hope because of our glorious promised future.

Even though we still live in a sin laced and troubled world. we already are able to enjoy a sweet relationship with our Lord.  We can know that the Lord will always be faithful to us and guide us throughout all our life on this earth.  We can know that we have a Savior who can perfectly sympathize with our weaknesses and our heartaches.  We can go to the Lord with all our needs and rest in Him    Trying to forge ahead in our own perceived abilities will never work, but in the measure that we can rest in the Lord we will experience peace, hope, and strength.  Rejoice and rest in  Him and in the promises of His Word, child of God!


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