Friday, December 13, 2024

Christmas Hope


In my church as we celebrate the advent season and prepare for Christmas, our evening services are centering on the theme,"Behold the Lamb of God!"  Jesus Christ is called the Lamb of God who came to sacrifice His life to atone for and pay for our sins.  In the Old Testament God's people had to sacrifice lambs over and over as a picture of Jesus, the ultimate Lamb of God, who would come to pay for our sins.  After Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins that was the final sacrifice.  No other sacrifice was needed after that.  Jesus was sufficient.     We deserve eternal punishment for our sins.  Yet Jesus took the punishment for those sins upon Himself and paid the price for our sins.  The song, "The Lamb of God" talks about that wonderful sacrifice that he made for us.  There is a link below to that song that you as a reader can click on to listen to that wonderful song:

I don't know about you, but I am very weary of the effects of sin coming into the world. I am tired and heart weary of seeing sickness and suffering in this world   I am tired also of even seeing loved ones who are believers pass away.  Yet because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross that is not the final word for believers.  Believers go immediately to heaven after death,  and one day their bodies will be raised also.

At Christmas we remember Jesus coming to the earth the first time as a baby in  a manger and then later die on the cross for our sins.  One day Jesus Christ will return, and all the dead in Christ will rise!  My Christmas cactus has reminded me of that blessed truth often this Christmas season.  From  a plant that showed no sign of blossoms a beautiful flower has emerged full of blossoms in just the last few weeks.  How much more wonderful will be Christ's second coming and the resurrection of believers  one day.  What a day that will be, and what hope that gives us even now!

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