Friday, September 20, 2024

"What am I Doing Here?"


As most of you know my husband lives in a skilled nursing home.  Sometimes when I visit him his wheelchair along with some other residents' chairs are sitting in the hallway near the nurse's station. Recently one of other residents asked different nursing home employees the same question several times.  Her question asked in confusion was, "What am I doing here?"  

As I observe the different residents I am stuck with the fact that the residents are so like the people outside the nursing home.  The residents are just more vulnerable and dependent on others than we are at this time in our lives.  How many of us have not asked or thought."What am I doing here?"  Life can get pretty overwhelming and confusing at times, and it is sometimes difficult to see the purpose for what is occurring in our lives.

A beautiful answer for what is our purpose in life can be found in an answer to a question in the Westminster Shorter Catechism.   A question there asks. "What is the chief end of man?"  The beautiful answer given is this:  "The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever."  So what are you and I doing here?  It should be to glorify and obey the Lord in both difficult times and in times when things are going smoothly according to our perspective  The second thing we should do is just enjoy the Lord, to love being in a relationship with Him, to rest in Him and to trust Him.  It is such a simple concept, but we so often needlessly make it so complicated.  

The other day during my devotions time I was so struck by a verse from Proverbs 20:24.   I posted the verse on Facebook.  The verse says, "A person's steps are directed by the Lord.  How then can anyone understand their own way?"  I take this to mean that God is in ultimate control of life.  Therefore I need to relax in His directing and timing. I asked for other people on Facebook to respond and give their understanding on this verse as well.  One person said, "Life is so complex and difficult to understand and seemingly  a mess in our understanding .  Thankfully God is sovereign over all.  He is in control and in that we can rest."

Yet another person said this, "First I see a strong statement on God' s care for us and after that a question.  And I think the question opens up to me that the closer we are to God, the better relationship we have with him, the better we can understand His plans and guidance in our lives."

Another person said, "The sovereignty of God is one of the most comforting doctrines of the church.  Yet another person added, "I needed to hear this and be reminded of God's love and care when life takes a big twist I don't want."  Thanks to all who gave such beautiful and insightful answers to the verse in Proverbs. 

On another note, at one point in time when the lady from the nursing home again asked the question, "What am I doing here?" someone answered, "Because your doctor and family want you to be here.  I had to almost chuckle at her response.  She said, "My doctor is crazy, and so are my family."  So often we are likewise confused about what God allows in our lives.  We do not always understand God's ways. Yet God is infininetly wiser than we are, and we can trust His directing and sovereignty in our lives.


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