Friday, September 13, 2024

Trusting the God of my "Whys?"


In the book of Job in the Old Testament we read about a godly man who lost everything he owned and all his children in a series of disasters.  As if that was not sufficient suffering, he was afflicted with a horrible disease.

Do you ever wonder, dear Christian, why God has allowed the illness of your loved one for whom you are caring? Have you ever wondered why you have to go through all the heartaches and challenges of caring for your ill or disabled loved one? Have you ever wondered why you, a child of God, have to endure these trials or perhaps other trials?

In the book of Job in the Old Testament, Job, began to ask these questions. God responded to Job in chapter 42. In effect God says, “Who are you to question My ways and My plans? Why should you question Me without knowledge, without understanding My wisdom? You have no right to question Me. Your knowledge is too limited to understand My ways. You do not have My power and wisdom.” Later Job said to God that he had spoken of things that were far beyond his understanding. These were things only God could understand, and Job repented of questioning God’s ways.

I do not understand why my first husband and now my second husband (although the diseases are different) were afflicted with devastating neurological diseases.  I do not know why I had to go through all the heartaches of being my first husband's caregiver and eventually losing him to death or why my second husband of only a little more than five years now needs to be confined to a skilled nursing home.  However, I must trust God that He knows what He was doing, no matter how difficult life became then and becomes now 

The Bible reminds us that we can trust in the Lord, for He has and never will forsake us. His ways are perfect even when we do not understand His ways. He is our shield, and we can take refuge in Him. I can trust in Him and not be afraid of what the future holds. Even in difficult times He is my strength and song.

I do know that I have been strengthened in my faith, and my relationship with the Lord is more precious than ever because of all that has happened to me. God has been my help and support through it all. I needed and still need to trust in Him alone. I don’t understand all God’s ways; but I do know He is a wise, faithful, and loving God. I do know that He is worthy of my trust.

Christian, you do not know what the future holds for you, but you do know that the Lord God holds your future. You may not understand His ways, but He asks you to trust Him. His ways are not always your ways, but He knows what He is doing in what He allows in your life. Rest in Him.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Google or God?


I follow a page on Facebook called "Walking Through Fire."  The page is managed and authored by Vaneetha Randal Risner.  Recently she posted something that really convicted me in my spirit.  She asked the question about where do we run when we are troubled by life's burdens.  Do we run to Google, or do do we run to God for peace?  Do we trust that God already has the plan and the situation in his control, or do we think we have to control and manage the situation?  

The truth of the matter is that more information that I might find on Google is not going to give me more peace about the difficult situations I am encountering in my life.  Resting in the Lord and trusting in Him is the only thing that can do that.  Seeking the Lord's presence is the only thing that can accomplish that goal.  Matthew 6:34 tells us that each day has enough trouble of its own, so why worry about tomorrow.  I think  we tend to think that if we have enough information we have some kind of control over the future.  Only the Lord has that kind of control, and He promises to be with us and guide us each step of the way.  Let's just rest in Him.