Friday, June 9, 2023

Things Too Wonderful for Me

The book of Job in the Old Testament of the Bible has many profound insights.  This is especially true of the last chapter, Job 42.  There is much we can glean from this book and chapter. 

Job said to God in verse one of chapter 42, "I know that You can do all things; no plan of Yours is thwarted."  Accepting God's plan in all things is sometimes challenging when going through difficult circumstances.  I found this to be true in past difficult circumstances in my life and sometimes find that true in present circumstances.  God's plan is also being carried out, however, when He provides daily blessings in my life even in the stressful and sad moments.

Job did not know what God was doing in his life when he sent a whole series of very difficult trials.  Yet in the last chapter of the book of Job, Job came to the realization that it was not his place to question God.  He said in Job 42:3, "Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me."  God does not owe us explanations for what He allows in our lives.  All we need to know is that God knows what He is doing and that He is a God who is always good.

Later on in the last chapter in Job, Job came to realize that he had developed greater intimacy with God because of his trials.  Job said in Job 42:5, "My ears had heard of You, but now my eyes have seen you."  In effect, Job was saying this, "In the past I knew things in my head about You, but now my heart knows You in an intimate way that I never experienced before.  This came about because of the trials You allowed in my life."

The same experience that Job had of growing in intimacy with God through trials can be our experience as well,  We can trust God, because He always provides for us even in times of trial.  He is a God who is always there for us in both our joys and our sorrows.

(Also if you have not already done so, check out last week's blog post on joy in all circumstances.  You will find that by clicking on this link:  )

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