Saturday, March 20, 2021

Joy or Despair?

Our attitude when we go through difficult times can influence whether we approach those times with joy or despair,  When I was going through cancer and care-giving for my first husband at the same time some years ago, I read the following in a devotional:  "Cancer is the little "c."  Christ is the big "C." I could also have said, "Care-giving for a terminal and constantly declining husband is the little "c."  Christ is the big "C."

I think we can apply that to anything in our life.  Grief is the little "g," while God is the big G."  Loneliness is the little "l," while our loving Lord is the big "L." Political unrest is the little "p."  Powerfulness of the living God is the big "P."  An unstable family member is the little "u."  The unchanging nature of God is the big "U."  Tests or trials of any kind are the little "t," while our Triune God-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit-is the big "T."  Can you think of any other trial in your life or in someone else's life who is dear to you to which you could apply this?

Someday when Jesus returns, all trials and hardships will be over.  Revelation 21:4 says, "He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."  What a blessed promise and hope!  

Meanwhile I would like to share some words I have in a picture frame on my computer desk.  This is what is says, "I want to be in love with Jesus to the point of complete contentment, to serve Him with joy in every aspect of life.  I want to live with an anticipation of the joy to come when there is no more suffering, no more loss, no more heartache."

Below is a link to David Phelps singing, "No More Night."  May you find the song to be a blessing.

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