Dear Friends and Family,
I am part of a community grief share group, and it was suggested that we share a letter with our friends and family. A few months ago I suffered the lost of my husband. This was the second husband that the Lord has asked me to bury. It will take me awhile to live with my loss once again, although one never completely gets over a grief lost. One just learns to live with it. it becomes more manageable, and it becomes part of who one is. Grief is not a sign of weakness or lack of faith. It is God's gift to me to help me process my emotions. Please be patient with me especially when grief at times causes me to feel unfocused. More than anything else I need your understanding and prayers. You don't always have to know what to say, or even have to say anything. Your touch, hugs, and assurances of prayer for me are wonderful. Pray for me that I can come to see meaning in my loss once again one day. Thank you for caring for me and praying for me. It is a wonderful gift to me for which I am thankful.