At times, dear caregiver, you may feel overwhelmed or discouraged by the challenges of family care-giving. You also may feel like you are tied down and all alone in the day to day issues of caring for your loved one. Having been a caregiver myself I understand the emotions that can accompany this undertaking.
Have you ever considered your responsibility as a family caregiver a sacred calling, however, dear caregiver? Whether you have considered it to be so or not, your position as a family caregiver is indeed a spiritual calling on you life. If you are a believer you are a living stone in God's spiritual house which has Jesus Christ as the cornerstone and foundation. You are offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God, and your loving care of your loved one is part of that spiritual sacrifice that you are making to the Lord God. (Check out I Peter 2:4-5 in the New Testament of the Bible concerning this.) If you can think of your care-giving responsibilities in this way, dear caregiver; you burdens will feel less heavy, and your joy will increase.
Knowing this does not eliminate all the negative emotions and difficult decisions, but it does add peace and joy in the midst of it all. It is easy to become afraid of what lies ahead when our loved ones are perhaps declining in health. During such moments remember, dear caregiver, that the Lord not only values your spiritual sacrifice, but will also pave the path ahead of you. The path may be difficult at times, but the Lord will be with you in all the challenging and decision making moments of your loved one's care.
There is always hope for each new day, because the Lord is with you each step of the way. The Lord is holding your hand and walking beside you. He is also walking before you and behind you. He understands your tears and your frustrations. He will always be faithful to you, dear caregiver, and to your loved one. Life can be difficult especially as a family caregiver; but remember that the Lord loves you with a passion, dear caregiver. He proved that on the cross. Rest in that, and rejoice in your spiritual calling as family caregiver!