A thankful heart is something God
expects of us. Thankfulness can also add joy to our lives in spite of
adverse circumstances. Being a caregiver of a terminally ill loved
one is one of life’s greatest challenges and heartaches. Finding
joy in the midst of it can seem like an impossibility. As a caregiver
for my husband for four and a half years, however, I knew I needed to
find things for which to be thankful in order to endure and
survive emotionally.
is best to start thanking God for His presence and peace. Then try to
write down at least three things each day for which you are thankful.
I did this while I was a caregiver, and I found it very helpful. No
matter how difficult your care-giving situation, there is
something for which you can thank and praise the Lord each
thankful heart opens up the very windows of heaven. Thankfulness
gives one a foretaste of heaven itself. In the process, these
experiences provide even more reasons for gratitude because of the
joy which enters one’s life through
the avenue of a thankful heart.
comes from focusing one’s heart on the Lord throughout the day. It
also comes from looking for His
wonders and treasures. Remember, however, that sometimes these
treasures come through pleasant experiences; and sometimes these
treasures come through the difficult moments (see Isaiah
45:3). Valuable lessons are often
learned in the dark and difficult
experiences. Often, these experiences
are the only way to learn dependence on God and trust in Him.
This was and is certainly my experience as a caregiver for my husband
and then during the grieving after his
times it may feel so
contrived to express thanks to God when we are feeling really down in
the pits. Even then, it is
best to express thanks, however. This is because
thankfulness is the road to the presence of God and His peace. It is
amazing, but in the measure we give thanks regardless of our
feelings, God gives joy in spite
of our circumstances.
is often an overwhelming
challenge. The difficulties and heartaches will not go away by simply
pursuing a thankful heart. Those who are thankful, however, will be
blessed even though their care-giving heartaches remain.
Joy and pain can coexist. So, dear
Christian caregiver, for which blessing will you
thank God today?
( I will be away from my computer for a few days, so there will be no new post next week. The next post will be on or around July 10. Use this time to read some of the older posts.)
( I will be away from my computer for a few days, so there will be no new post next week. The next post will be on or around July 10. Use this time to read some of the older posts.)