Sunday, February 21, 2016

Witnessing God's Faithfulness

I was reminded yesterday through Facebook memories that six years ago my husband, Wayne, and I moved into the condo where I am now living. That moving day was a Saturday as well. Being a February day in Wisconsin it could have been a snowy or wet day, but that held off until AFTER we were moved in. I am sure this was due to the prayers of others in particular of a young granddaughter in IA who was praying specifically for that.

Wayne and I had previously lived 27 years on an acreage in the country and then 3 years in an apartment in town before moving to the condo. We had initially moved from the country because of Wayne's disease. We knew because of the prognosis of Wayne's disease that it would not be possible to stay living in our country home that I loved. I just would not be able to maintain a two acre place in the country without Wayne's help.

From that county home we first moved to an apartment in town, as I already stated previously. But six years ago we moved to a condo. Wayne lived with me in our condo for about 10 months before moving to Heaven. In the meantime I had more space to handle the equipment to take care of Wayne's needs those last months of his life than I would have had in the apartment. I also now have a nice home which meets my present needs.

This is what I wrote on Facebook the evening of our move 6 years ago: "We are all moved in including pictures up thanks to the wonderful help of people from our church and also Pat, Troy, and Sanna tonight! Everything went right today. The weather was sensational. Our home looks beautiful, and everything has fallen in place. I feel so blessed tonight. I love our new house, but I also feel blessed by the overwhelming love shown us in the last few days. God is so good!" (As a side remark Troy and Sanna are my son and his wife, and Pat is my sister-in-law.)
Those last ten months of Wayne's life after moving to the condo were difficult months. There were rapid declines in his health during that time. During that time I was able to acquire a mobile wheelchair for him and later was able to rent a lift. These were big pieces of equipment which I would not have been able to have in our apartment. In fact, my home began to resemble a nursing home. Wayne passed away on January 2, 2011.
As I said, those months were difficult months. In fact, the whole four and a half years that I took care of Wayne were difficult. Seeing my husband's body deteriorate during those years were definitely the most difficult experience I ever encountered on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. This was especially true since I fought breast cancer for eight months in the midst of those four and a half years.
Yet I grew so much during those years. I learned of God's faithfulness, and my faith grew. My deep personal love for the Lord grew also during that time. He is using that experience in my life even today. God will also be with you, dear caregiver. He will provide step by step giving you the strength and direction that you need.

If you would also like to reread my personal testimony that I gave in church about a year ago you can go to a former post of mine. It can be found here:

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