Sunday, June 1, 2014

When Your Heart Aches

Over Memorial Day week-end I took a five hundred mile trip to Iowa to see my eldest granddaughter graduate from eighth grade and her sister make profession of faith in church. It was a wonderful to be there for these events. It is awesome to see my grandchildren growing up and maturing in the faith. Yet these wonderful moments were bittersweet, because they were tinged with the awareness that my husband, Wayne, could not be there with me sharing the joy of these events.

There have been other times when I have longed to share an inside joke or a joyous occasion or even a trial with my husband by my side. Not being able to do this leaves an ache in my heart. Yet I remember that even when Wayne was alive, his illness the last years already robbed us of so many things.

Dear caregiver, perhaps your loved one's illness or disability is robbing you of blessings and joyful sharing of life events that you once experienced. This can make your heart ache. One thing I have discovered and am continuing to discover, however, is that the Lord is with us through it all. He is our comfort, joy, and peace even in the sad moments when we wish we could turn back the clock to times which we remember as being happier times.

Difficult and challenging times are molding us to be more like Jesus and to be better used in His kingdom. It is stretching us in our faith and paving the way for God to do things in and through our lives that are more than we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Life does not always hand us the set of circumstances we desired, but God is using it all for His awesome purposes. He alone is in control. Dear caregiver, God will use even the difficulties of your care-giving experience for His glory and yes, even for your ultimate good.

The Lord will also always be there to comfort you and help you when the way becomes seemingly impossible in the overwhelming challenges of family care-giving. Cry out to Him for help, and rest in His promises in His Word. He loves you, dear caregiver. He delights in you. He will guide you step by step as you walk the care-giving path. May the Lord bless you for what you do, dear caregiver. 

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