Monday, July 15, 2013

Wait On the Lord

As I have mentioned in previous blog posts, about a year after my husband was diagnosed with his disease I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Here are some of the thoughts and prayers that were running through my mind after my diagnosis of breast cancer on July 18, 2007: 

"I don't understand, Lord. You have been faithful to me in numerous times of difficulty in the past. This latest trial in my life seems a bit overwhelming, however, Lord. Was not dealing with the emotional stress of my husband's disabling neurological disease enough, Lord? Did I have to receive a diagnosis of breast cancer also?"

Of one thing I was certain, however. Even though I did not always understand His ways, my Lord did not make mistakes. I could count on His promises in His Holy Word, His eternal love for me, and His infinite wisdom. I could count on these things even when feeling emotionally downcast.  I could count on the fact that God's compassion for me would never fail. He in His faithfulness would have new blessings for me every day. One other thing of which I was certain was that I had nothing or no one else I can cling to but the Lord. He alone could be and was able to be my hope. I needed to wait on the Lord to work out His plan in my life. (Lamentations 3:20b-26) I also believed that somehow God would make a place of refreshment and joy out of the deep valleys of my life. He indeed also was the only One but the capable One to help me proceed in His strength in facing life's huge hurdles. (Psalm 84:6-7)

What possible place of refreshment and blessing did I receive from the cancer on top of dealing with my husband's devastating diagnosis? I saw the overwhelming support, love, and prayers of God's people. It was also a time for family members to more freely express their love verbally and tangibly. Further, it was a time to simplify and prioritize my life. Finally, it was a time to begin to reflect once again on my relationship with my Lord. Did I see all these things in my mind as a fair exchange for my cancer and my husband's illness? To be honest the answer to that question would have to be "No." My God, however, was and is infinitely wiser than I am.

We have the certainty of the Lord's faithfulness and love even in the harshest of circumstances. In the Old Testament book of Lamentations the author is lamenting or mourning the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. Hence, he was feeling very discouraged and depressed. Have you ever felt like the author of Lamentations? Have you ever felt completely discouraged and without hope, dear caregiver? Have you ever felt like everything was crashing down around you?

When we begin to feel like the author of Lamentations felt we are beginning to focus on ourselves instead of on the Lord. The truth of the matter is that there is always the certainty of the Lord's presence even in the worst of circumstances. It is not necessary for our circumstances to change to experience the Lord's joy and peace in our hearts and lives. We just need to take our focus off ourselves and our problems, and focus on the Lord. When we are feeling discouraged by a difficult set of circumstances in our lives, we must remember the Lord's love for us and the Lord's awesome promises in His Holy Word. The Lord's river of mercy and love never runs dry. People, material possessions and our own resources will often fail us. The Lord, however, will never fail us! His love and faithfulness is with us moment by moment and day by day. How precious it is to awaken each morning knowing that the Lord will be walking beside us each day, as we face the daily stresses and challenges.

Wait on the Lord, dear caregiver. Waiting on the Lord means we are resting our entire trust in the Lord for time and eternity. We can trust completely in the Lord's unfailing love! Praise His name!





  1. Sharon, as I read your blog I was reminded of an old hymn I love. Jesus,I am Resting,Resting.

    Found an updated version by Steve Green on Youtube, take a listen if you have time.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Jan, I love Steve Green. I have some of his CDs. I don't think I have the particular song you are talking about on a CD, but I think I found the song on Youtube. It is a beautiful song. I love that song in the hymn book also.
