Does one move on, or do we or move forward to a larger life with and in the Lord after the death of a loved one? Is the healthy path to grief healing mean we need to emotionally disconnect from the loved one who has passed, or is it or something else? The answer is that for emotional healing to take place one has to gradually move forward in one's life. This does not mean we deny that our loved one has died, because we will always hold on to them emotionally to some degree through our thoughts and memories. We will also continue to be ambushed by grief at times maybe even years later especially on special days like anniversaries and birthdays.
Further, our personalities and values are often formed by the people who came before us and influenced us. God has sovereignly shaped us to be the people we are by the grandparents, parents, spouses, and circumstances that He has orchestrated in our lives. We become the people God has planned us to be and whom He is shaping us to be largely by the people He has allowed in our lives. So treasure the memories and cherish the good values instilled. They are a gift and part of whom we are.
Helen Keller is quoted saying this, "What we have once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us." Our memories of them are also a continued connection with our loved ones while we are still on this earth and until we reunite with them in Eternity.